Monday, January 21, 2013

Hi !
 I haven't posted in quite awhile. Sorry about that. I've been so caught up in my own life's drama,I forgot how much we need each other ! Wow,it feels good to be back. I'd love to hear from you about how your self-talk is going. What I have learned in the past few months is that gratitude is the attitude. Without it we are lonely and feel isolated and sparse.
With gratitude we open a path for the heart to receive. We are receiving and we are accepting.
Love lives on all around us. It is in our pets,our neighbors and yes,even in silence.
We are often too distracted by everyday life to feel the breathe of love as it comes into our hearts and bodies.
I am always reminded of the story of the man with two wolves,one named Love and the other names Hate. When asked which one will be the stronger,he replies-IT DEPENDS ON WHICH ONE i FEED.
This simple story is so true. We can have our choice to create love and the blessings it brings or we can base our lives on lack an regret and worry. It truly is your choice. Live on in Love !

Friday, July 8, 2011

it's none of your business what other people think of you,it's only important...

Happy Friday. As you start your weekend Remember: It's none of your business what other people think of you ,it is only important what you think of yourself. Remember to always speak to yourself with the kindness you'd use with a stranger. No harsh criticism or insults. THe heart never hears those as a "joke" so listen to yourself when you speak to yourself. Be sure you eliminate any accusations of " Stupid" or " Idiot" and the like.  
Always approach yourself with kindness of a grandmother or an aunt. You are your best supporter and your biggest ally. Remember that !!
All the best,
P.S. You will find that as you speak to yourself with greater love,you will begin to speak to others this way also.

Monday, July 4, 2011

WOuld it be okay if you said YES to yourself ??

Would it be okay if you said YES to yourself ?   Of course it would. We all come to adulthood with beliefs about what we deserve and what we are allowed to have. Can you expand your beliefs to include success, abundance,and grace? Of course you can. Will you ? I believe you will ! Please share your stories with me about how you have done this. Your growth and love helps us all !
To your success,

 Cristina Oliver

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just can't seem to get going?

Morning All,
 Ever have those days when you just can't seem to get in the groove ? You have your tasks in front of you but you can't seem to drum up the umpff to get to them? You are persistent,you are focused but your life force seems to be on vacation ?
Here's  a quick " how to" re-start your engine. IT's called tapping or EFT-emotional fitness technique.
Take two fingers( second and third work best) of either hand and place them at the corner of your eyes on the bone of your face. Tap lightly seven 7 times. DO the same between your eyebrows,under your nose,on your chin, on the top of your head ,on your collarbones and under your armpits.
This takes about three minutes to complete. What you are doing is awakening your body's energy meridians. These place of energy can grow sleepy with stress,lack of sleep,or improper diet.
 As they are revived,so shall you be. Your life force is availalbe to you once again
Do this again throughout the day if you start to lag.
There are many good videos on youtube about tapping ( lots of written content on the web as well.
Happy tapping !!
Cristina Oliver

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What kind of action taker are you ?

Morning All ! Let’s look at actions today.

What causes you to take action ?

What kind of action taker are you ?

Do you only act after nagging yourself for days or even weeks?

Do you act when someone tells you something to make you feel good about yourself?

Do you act when you are jealous of someone else’s success ?

Does someone else need to tell you what to do ?

Do you feel inspired to act when you learn something new that is encouraging? Or do you only act when the negativity piles up so high that you need to get out from underneath it ?

Taking action comes in many forms. Some of us realize that persistence and daily action  done consistently, multiplied day after day across  time leads to our best success.  Is that true for you ?

Are you inspired by others or do others make you more sluggish? Does your mind tell you what to do or do you tell it what to do ? !! Who is in charge of your actions?

How do you motivate yourself to take action? How loud is the voice of delay?

Assessing our action habits may help us to be more  successful. Chances are there is some thing we’ve been putting off doing.  How  will  you inspire yourself to act? Chances are the worry and nagging about the undone task is much worse than the actual doing of it will be !!

As Nike used to say: Just DO IT !!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you can count to ten, you can change your life

Count backwards to Freedom:

WELCOME BACK ! Nice to see you again.  This  is a bit wordy and long but please bare with me.
In this article we are going to breathe  for a deepened sense of well being and relaxation. Anxieties hit us in many forms,sometimes just out of the blue. Or sometimes we know something is going to disturb us. Use this technique and your body will tell your mind to quiet down !! Especially if you are doing the 30 day Mental Cleanse with Mentoring for Free you'll have many issues come up for you that make you nervous !! Use this easy breathing routine to help you move forward in your life and your business.
Napoleon Hil tells us to set up habits that leave no room for the negative to enter our lives. Learning to breathe in this way is a great step to use to block out negativity,excuses,and stress !!

I am sure we have all heard the  advice  to " Count to ten" when you are angry or about to do something wildly impulsive. I'd like to teach you this brief calming technique that you can use in five minutes or stretch it out and take 30 minutes if you'd like.

I grew up in the East but moved to the West at age 26. My parents were still in Virginia ,so I had many long cross country plane trips. I was also terrified of flying ! Any sign of turbulence or bumps or dips on the plane's nose and  my heart rate would jump to  the level of a sprinter.

One of my mentors taught me this technique which also calms your heart rate and gives you a positive focus for fear, anger,or stress no matter the cause.  

WARNING: DO NOT DO THIS WHILE DRIVING or operating any type of machinery (except maybe the computer ). It is great to do while walking or pacing or doing jumping jacks !

If you can count to ten in any language you can do this :

    Step One:
Sit down, if possible, be sure your feet are planted together in front of you on the ground. This is important ,so we can use the energy coming up from the Earth to help you. Be sure your back is comfortable and that your hands rest calmly in your lap in a relaxed fashion. ( Or if you're like I was, your hands will be gripping the arms of the airplane seat just to relieve some of my physical terror)

OK,so you are sitting comfortably. For this exercise,I don't imagine you'll be in a quiet place but if so all the better !

Now close your eyes  and begin your focused breathing technique. One index finger over your right nostril,inhale, and move your finger to block your left nostril. Exhale long and fully through your right nostril. Now do it again.........and again until you feel a lightening in your forehead and
abit of calming in your ears.

Keep breathing in and out and begin to count: I learned this in this order but you can choose which way you want to count. Some people count in to 5 and out by 10,its up to you.
Begin counting backwards from ten to one.   Be aware  of the numbers and know that at five you will begin to calm down. When you reach 1 breathe out fully and begin your count again at ten and count down to one.....You will feel a rhythm begin to develop or a timing to your counting...this is good. try to keep a steady and slow pace as you count. Continue .

Do this for as long as you want or until you start to feel better. IF you are highly stessed while driving, kids screaming in the car or cattle bashing your tractor,or your horse spooks under you try to pull over and  begin to breathe and count backwards !!
This is also a great way to calm down before a scary meeting with your boss or before you have to do something which is making you very the IRS agent  or your mortgage broker. ....or launch your first network  marketing promotion..

When you feel relaxed or your time is up, exhale and begin again with the number one.
 This time count to Five. At Five you are going to open your eyes and return to your task.
YOu can dwell on four for as long as you want but it is important to open your eyes at five no matter what. Keep this commitment to end at the number five.

This is called counting out and your brain will learn it quickly. Brains like patterns and repetitions and will begin to learn how to do this easily without you having to focus on counting so intensely.

So,count in to ten and relax,
Count out to Five,open your eyes and feel refreshed. You should now feel clearer to face your task and handle it with the ease and grace you know you possess.

More soon,
Thanks again for being here.
Feel free to share this wherever you think it might be useful.
Dr.Cristina Oliver

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Power of Self Talk

     How do you talk to yourself ? What sort of chatter do you hear inside your head all day long ?

Do you , like many of us, talk to yourself with words like --Dummy,Idiot, Stupid, Failure--when you've done something you didn't like or something you thought was wrong? Do these words help you ? How do you feel when you call yourself Stupid ?

In my experience, people often call themselves a bad name before someone else can. For example, people who have had harsh and critical parents or siblings, will often point out to themselves that they have behaved badly first,before anyone else has the chance.The best defense is a good offense type of thing. This is self-protective behavior. If believe that I tell myself I am stupid, it won't hurt so much when someone else tells me........

Often these words are so familiar to us and we are so used to calling ourselves these names we don't even recognize it until someone points it out to us. Listen to your spouse or your best friend and ask them to listen to you when you talk out loud to yourself. It isn't a joke !

Your brain is chattering to you all day long. Much of what it is saying is negative. It appears to be part of the human condition that we talk to yourselves worse than you'd ever speak to a stranger on the street. Insulting,critical words and phrases used by ourselves to ourselves are harmful and hurtful.They are not joking or funny as we think they are"Oh I'm jut kidding". Your subsoncsious does not recognize this type of joke,it believes you are serious.

Especially if you are wanting to change your life or pursue a new goal.

You 'll fail. You Can't do That !!

You are worthless. You 'll get hurt .

You're a spoiled brat and don't deserve that !

You think the world owes you a living .

You don''t have the brains God gave a worm.

And on and on and on until we don't even try anymore,until we take a job we hate or weigh 100 pounds over what we want to weigh or until we stay in an unhappy marriage.

Until we are miserable inside and out..........

You can change this self talk. You can stop treating yourself as if you had a broom over your head ready to strike yourself . No one else can do this for you ,but you can......and you must.... in order to reach any of your goals in life. Breath................AH !!

Please visit my blog and you can take steps to learn how to learn to treat yourself better and succeed in your goals.

I"ll look forward to seeing you there !

In a more peaceful,self-loving place,

Dr.Cristina Oliver