Friday, July 8, 2011

it's none of your business what other people think of you,it's only important...

Happy Friday. As you start your weekend Remember: It's none of your business what other people think of you ,it is only important what you think of yourself. Remember to always speak to yourself with the kindness you'd use with a stranger. No harsh criticism or insults. THe heart never hears those as a "joke" so listen to yourself when you speak to yourself. Be sure you eliminate any accusations of " Stupid" or " Idiot" and the like.  
Always approach yourself with kindness of a grandmother or an aunt. You are your best supporter and your biggest ally. Remember that !!
All the best,
P.S. You will find that as you speak to yourself with greater love,you will begin to speak to others this way also.

Monday, July 4, 2011

WOuld it be okay if you said YES to yourself ??

Would it be okay if you said YES to yourself ?   Of course it would. We all come to adulthood with beliefs about what we deserve and what we are allowed to have. Can you expand your beliefs to include success, abundance,and grace? Of course you can. Will you ? I believe you will ! Please share your stories with me about how you have done this. Your growth and love helps us all !
To your success,

 Cristina Oliver

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just can't seem to get going?

Morning All,
 Ever have those days when you just can't seem to get in the groove ? You have your tasks in front of you but you can't seem to drum up the umpff to get to them? You are persistent,you are focused but your life force seems to be on vacation ?
Here's  a quick " how to" re-start your engine. IT's called tapping or EFT-emotional fitness technique.
Take two fingers( second and third work best) of either hand and place them at the corner of your eyes on the bone of your face. Tap lightly seven 7 times. DO the same between your eyebrows,under your nose,on your chin, on the top of your head ,on your collarbones and under your armpits.
This takes about three minutes to complete. What you are doing is awakening your body's energy meridians. These place of energy can grow sleepy with stress,lack of sleep,or improper diet.
 As they are revived,so shall you be. Your life force is availalbe to you once again
Do this again throughout the day if you start to lag.
There are many good videos on youtube about tapping ( lots of written content on the web as well.
Happy tapping !!
Cristina Oliver